The Finksburg News

         Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. Newsletter


To Promote A Finksburg Community,

Whose Objective Is To Preserve The Fundamental Quality Of Life Where Farms, Families And Businesses

 May Coexist In A Manner Beneficial To All


The County Commissioners Are Coming To Finksburg!!!!



 The Carroll County Commissioners will attend our June 26th meeting


Who:  All residents of Finksburg and its environs are invited

What: To attend the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.'s general membership meeting

When: Thursday, June 26th at 7 p.m.

Where: Sandy Mount United Methodist Church, Meeting Hall


·         Directions to the Meetings: From the West take Rte 140 East to the intersection at Sandymount Rd. Turn South (right) on   Sandymount to the Stop sign. The Church is immediately to your left, straight across from the Stop.

 From the East take Rte 140 West to the intersection at Sandymount Rd. Turn South (left) on Sandymount Road to the Stop sign. The Church is immediately to your left, straight across from the Stop. For the annual picnic, The Pavilion at Sandymount Park is best access from Rt 140 by turning onto Green Mill Rd (opposite Jiffy Mart), turn right at the first stop sign. The Pavilion is approximately 500 ft. ahead on the right with parking nearby.


"The most important political office is that of private citizen."

                                                                                                          Justice Lewis Brandeis


Big News: 

After a "snow out" and various schedule changes, the Carroll County Commissioners have placed on their calendars our FPAC, Inc., meeting Thursday, June 26th.  The FPAC, Inc., has a number of issues it intends to address during the meeting-- the Finksburg Corridor Plan, gateway improvements, road improvements, etc.  Please try to make the meeting and let your concerns be known during a question and answer session.


Development Deferrals:

 On June 5, 2003, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt two important deferral ordinances affecting growth.  The first measure places a 12-month delay on any residential development plan, subject to the county's concurrency management agreement, that has not yet received preliminary plan approval from the county by June 12, 2003.  The second ordinance prevents for a period of nine months, businesses from gaining an exception to develop industrial land for commercial uses.  This allows the county to access the appropriateness of zoning regulations throughout the county.


Clean It Up.

 Don't forget the FPAC, Inc. has adopted Route 91 from Route 140 to Deer Park Road as its designated cleanup area.  Our spring cleanup was a big success, despite rain, and the summer cleanup is scheduled for sometime in July, after the monsoon season.  Please help to beautify our little corner of the world.


Banner No More: 

The Freedom Area Citizens' Council has discontinued its quarterly publication of "The Banner."  The FACC generously allowed the FPAC, Inc. to publish in it and distribute it to the 21048 zip code.  The task was a monumental one for our friends at the FACC that they accomplished with style.  Thanks for the memories.


Remember The Flip Chart: 

Many of you may remember the flip chart the FPAC, Inc.  used for the last several years to list areas of concern.  Guess what?  It's coming back.  With the assistance of those attending the FPAC general meeting on May 29, 2003, a new flip chart was born with an "accomplishments" listing for our old flip chart.  Stay tuned.



Have you been to the new Finksburg website?  If not it's at  It's a beauty that is kept up to date by the hard work of our Board member, Richard Ackerman.  Our Finksburg hats are off to Richard for a job well done.


Chow and Social Time: 

The annual Finksburg picnic is fast approaching.  The date is July 24th and it will be in place of the general membership meeting next month.  The annual event is a great way to meet your neighbors and eat some great food and have fabulous drinks.  The picnic will be held at Sandymount Recreation area.


Vogt's update: 

Approval was granted for Copart, Inc. to change the use of what is now Vogt's Auto Recyclers.  Copart will begin operating a full vehicle salvage business on the site on Old Westminster Pike.  The Board of Zoning Appeals granted the approval.  We wish the Vogt's family all the best and trust that Copart will continue to be the good neighbor the Vogt's family has been.


Board of Directors:


Debbie Ridgely- President

John Lopez- Vice President

Maureen Ackerman- Secretary

Martin Schmidt-Treasurer

Mat Tiahrt-Communications Director


Board members At-Large-

Richard Ackerman

Mike Davis

Doris Edward

Donald Hoffman


You can reach any of these board members by going to the website.


If there is a neighbor or a business you regularly trade with, ask them if they would like the newsletter sent to them electronically.  Send us their address so they are included in future mailings.



Be informed!  Attend The Next Meeting!


Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.      P O Box 70      Finksburg, Maryland      21048

Save a Stamp: Receive your newsletter electronically. Send your e-mail address to Richard Ackerman at

ü       Mark Your Calendar: General Council meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month at the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. Meetings begin at 7 PM. Board meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of each month.. 

ü       Directions to the Meetings: From the West take Rte 140 East to the intersection at Sandymount Rd. Turn South (right) on   Sandymount to the Stop sign. The Church is immediately to your left, straight across from the Stop.

 From the East take Rte 140 West to the intersection at Sandymount Rd. Turn South (left) on Sandymount Road to the Stop sign. The Church is immediately to your left, straight across from the Stop. For the annual picnic, The pavilion at Sandymount Park is best access from Rt 140 by turning onto Green Mill Rd (opposite Jiffy Mart), turn right at the first stop sign . The pavilion is approximately 500 ft. ahead on the right with parking nearby.



Yearly Membership Fee: $10 per Household, $25 per business


______ I would like to join the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. a not-for-profit organization.

_____ I would like to renew my membership. (Dues and donations not tax deductible)

______ Yes, I would also like to volunteer. (Board membership, roadside trash pickup, county meeting attendance, etc.)

______ I would like to make an additional donation of $______________ to the FPAC.




Address _____________________________________


City ___________________________      Zip__________


Phone ____________________    Work phone_____________________ 

